How to identify description to part number:
Example: 1404 MP-FPX (1404-04-06): Fitting sizes following in order from left to right and match the description. MP=04 (1/4") FPX =06 (3/8"
Hydraulic sizes are measured in 16ths then measured down:
02 = 1/8"
03 = 3/16"
04 = 1/4"
05 = 5/16"
06 = 3/8"
08 = 1/2"
10 = 5/8"
12 = 3/4"
14 = 7/8"
16 = 1"
20 = 1-1/4"
24 = 1-1/2"
32 = 2"
Hydraulic Abbreviation Key:
MP - Male Pipe
FP - Female Pipe
MPX - Male Pipe Swivel
FPX - Female Pipe Swivel
MJ - Male JIC
FJ - Female JIC
FJX - Female JIC Swivel
MFF - Male Flat Face
FFX - Flat Face Swivel
MOR - Male O-Ring
FOR - Female O-Ring
ORFS - O-Ring Flat Face Seal
FF - Flat Face
Gates Adapter Cross Reference .PDF
Stainless Steel Hydraulic Adapters:
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